Saturday, May 14, 2011

This is my poor, poor Snookykin's hand:

He's been a brave little soldier.  It hurts me more than it hurts him.  I wince every time someone goes near it.  Please leave sympathetic comments below.


  1. OUCH!!! That looks aweful! My poor little baby's feet looked about like that and he had to be in the hospital for almost 2 weeks! But apparently it's burn season. The nurses at the hospital said more people get burns during the warmer months, because we spend more time outdoors, BBQing, firepits (like what my little guy stepped in), yard work, etc., but the worst and most common thing to watch out for is those Ramon noodles right out of the microwave--not only will the hot water burn you, but the noodles apparently stick to you and continue to burn you! I guess that's one reason to be grateful for gluten intolerance. ;) I hope your poor honey feels better soon! :(

  2. Ahhhhh. That IS nasty. Tell Freddy Kreuger he has our sympathy.

  3. Ugh. Love, Gwamma

  4. OH! I need Demerol and Vicodin just for looking at it. Watch out for infection. The skin is the body's first line of defense, you know. Don't let the bacteria penetrate the perimeter!
