Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shadows Gray

This is my cover art.

I think it's smashing.

It's coming.
I've nearly hit Publish.
I'm almost ready.
But I'm skeered.

Soon my little minions (that's YOU) come into play.  I need your help marketing and selling and buying.  You don't have to buy anything processed or sold, or sell anything processed or bought, or process anything sold...bought... Sorry, Lloyd Dobler occasionally takes up residence in my noggin.  He's gone now.  Back to the topic at hand.

I can't sell anything.  I couldn't sell a glass of water to a burning man.  Why is he burning?  I don't know.  I would probably spill the glass while asking him about it.  He'd burn to death while I dilly dallyed talking to him about his day.  In any case I would ultimately convince him he wasn't really thirsty and my glass of water was too expensive and wouldn't he really rather have milk and fire looks good on him.

I sold Mary Kay once.  For like, ten minutes.  Everyone took advantage of my niceness and wrote me checks that bounced and took off with all my samples.  I was not successful.

I even get nervous and clammy hosting those scam parties where someone else does the selling of the tupperware or candles or stoneware or whathaveyou.  I'm not even the one doing the selling and I'll mess it up.

So I  need you guys.  I wrote the book.  You sell it for me?  Puhleeze? Word of mouth is everything in this business (or so I've heard).   Here's how to help:

1.  Buy it and write a little review.  You know, nothing over the top, just something like this was the best book I ever read!  Shakespeare could learn a little something from this amazing new author!  Tolstoy was a hack next to Ms Williams!  You know.  Something simple like that.

2.  Tell your friends.  Family.  Random strangers.  Snakes on a plane.  Etc.

3.  Join places like and listopia.  Write up a quick "List of My Favorite Books" and put Shadows Gray on it.  It only takes a minute.

4.  If you have a blog, will you feature the book?  Write a review or interview me?  Comment or email me and let me know if you are willing.

5.  Share the links and picture on your Facebook wall.  Once or twice.  Or every Thursday for the rest of your life.  Three times on weekends and every holiday.  Other than that, I won't take up too much of your wall.

6.  Leave comments and reviews on places like Amazon and Barnes and Noble (where it will be sold).

If none of that works and we only sell four copies (three to my mommy) it's okay.  I still had fun writing it and I greatly appreciate all of you cheering me on and telling me I could do it.  That's worth its weight in gold (and royalties).

Stay tuned this week for all the links to the published book!  Follow them and buy one (or eleven) if you would!

You're the best minions ever and I love you ever so much.


  1. oh girl, how exciting! if you wanted to write a guest post for my blog and advertise your book in it, i'd be happy to host you. lots of love, e.

    1. ps. you can send your guest post to (if you want :))

  2. I'm ready! Let me read this sucker!

  3. Wahoo! consider all that you need, DONE! So super-duper proud of you!!

  4. Thanks, Emily - I would be absolutely honored!

    Thanks, girls!

  5. Does this mean I have to buy a Kindle or something? Let me know so the eleven copies I have to buy I can buy at the right place....

  6. So very proud of you! Can't wait to read it. Bri-Bro

  7. So excited to read it! (And write a review and whatever else will help with sales!)


  8. Love the cover art! Can't wait to read it :)

  9. So excited for you. Would LOVE to talk to you about your journey to self publish! really, I would...

  10. Anytime, Misty! Just don't expect me to know squat. :)

    MommyDearest, you won't have to buy a Kindle (unless you want to). I'm pretty sure it will available to download right to your PC. Or you could just tell me to mail you the printed version. But all those pages might fall in your bath.

  11. Hey girl! I would love to interview you on my author blog :) I just started it, so it doesn't have heavy traffic yet, but I'd still love to do it. :D

    If you're looking for way's to market your book, you should check out Shelley Hitz' self publishing site: She's got some amazing idea's and is really helpful.

  12. Heather, that sounds great! I'll definitely be contacting you. And thanks for the website!

  13. Will you share what the book is about? I love to read!!

  14. Hey I don't even like Gothic stuff but I would love to read your book. Looking forward to seeing a link.

    Best wishes
    Jen in Oz
