Monday, July 9, 2012

Back to school shopping

Normally, I avoid blogs that yak on and on about homeschool curricula. It's probably just me, because those kinds of blogs are uber popular, but they just annoy me somehow. I also throw away homeschool catalogues due to intense insecurities that I don't OWN EVERYTHING. But in case you're not like me, and you'd like to know what we are planning on doing this year, here it is:

Cora has gone through nearly all the Apologia Exploring Creation books, and since she wants to be a marine biologist, she should really eat this one up.

 Last year and the year before we chose Teaching Textbooks for math (pictured below). I absolutely adore them, but we're doing a cheaper route this year. Life of Fred. They are hilarious and well written, and practically a novel, so they aren't your typical dry textbook. Cora had a tough time with fractions this year, so we're starting there, then we'll move on to Pre-Algebra.

I just discovered these Drive Thru History dvds. They look like they will be right up my kid's ally! We also learn a lot of history through novels, but these look really fun, AND I can get them through Netflix. Win, win!

This is Teaching Textbooks, and I'm their biggest fan. I hardly ever have to "teach" math with these, and that's a good thing. Both for me and for my kids.  

This is me, on math:

There you have it. 
Wish I did.
Have it, I mean.


  1. I'm with on the math stuff hahaha! I give that to Phil:-)

  2. LOVE this post!! :D

    I'm glad I stumbled across this...this is the second place I've seen mention of Drive Thru History this morning (must be a sign, lol!) and I've been reading a lot lately about the Life of Fred series. The photo above, about the word problem, is SO both of my boys. We use Time4Learning as our core program, and they do well with it. But I think they would enjoy adding the LoF books, to change things up a bit and give them a chance to look at math differently. :)

    Again, loved this post. Thanks for sharing!
