Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy birthday, Anna Rose

Turning the big 0 - 1...

I loved this leopard print outfit...she wore it like, once.  Which is odd, because it would've fit the shrimp for probably another year.

She was such a coiffure challenged little girl.

Oh my heart, that little belly!

Dirt seemed to find her wherever she went...

Finally!  Enough hair for pigtails!  Eureka and pass the rubberbands!

This was number two birthday.  Note the tutu over the sweat pants.  This was the year of the princess dresses and moon boots and the year she rocked the mullet.

She doesn't wear tutus anymore (sigh). Or moon boots (sigh...of relief).  

She is still a shrimp.

Still has big brown eyes.

Still gets dirty.

Still is her own person.

But now she's nine.

I don't understand how that happened.

Please mail any spare, big eyed, no haired, chubby little elf babies to me soon.  I will take very good care of them, and I won't let these ones grow up.  Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye if I lie. 


  1. Happy Birthday to Anna! Cute baby pictures!

  2. The dirt picture is HILARIOUS!! Happy birthday Anna!!

  3. Sniff. Happy Birthday, Anna! 9???? Really? How'd that happen? Sniff. We love you

  4. So precious! It's unbelievable how fast our babies grow up!

  5. She had the grooviest baby mullet ever! I loved her eyes and I lov e them still. Happy Birthday to my favorite artsy Harry Potter lover!

  6. WOW! Nine already?! I loved that little dress and you passed it on to my lovelies and we loved it too. Give that lovely girl a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY hug from the Banuelos Clan!

  7. Oh how I love this girl of the late night uncontrollable giggle; the one who would not DARE do anything social up to the age of, like, 6 then turned in to the social butterfly of the century; the girl who cut her hair off (hair that she LOVED by the way) and donated it to locks of love when my girl went bald; the girl of never-ending bruises from never-ending clumsiness, ahem, whoopsies; the girl who gave you more mastitis than any child ever has given a mother; the girl who is absolutely, positively, of her own spirit and personality and makes me smile HUGE when I just think of her. I love you, Anna. You rock our world.

  8. She is adorable! And, she reminds me of my friend's daughter. Her name is Anna as well. My friend died a few years back. Her name was Natalie Rose. So, I am pretty partial to your child's name.

